SPEAKER SESSIONS Lecture proposals are now being accepted for the 11th New England Regional Genealogical Conference to be held 6-10 April 2011 in Springfield, Massachusetts. SEE THE COMPLETE CALL AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ON THE NERGC WEB PAGE, WWW.NERGC.ORG . Submissions may be mailed or emailed to the Program Chair on or before 1 March 2010 . LIBRARIANS/TEACHERS DAY The Third Librarians’ and Teachers’ Day will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 in conjunction with the 11 th New England Regional Genealogical Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts. Lecture proposals are now being accepted for the series of sessions entitled, “Throughout the Ages and Throughout the Curricula: Genealogy as a Pursuit for all Learners." Ideal paper proposals will suggest strategies for how to optimize the human, material, and online resources that can assist students' and community borrowers' inquiries in addition to enhancing program development to attract all prospective ...
This blog brings you breaking news about the 17th New England Regional Genealogical Conference.