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Showing posts from 2013

NERGC 2015 Call for Papers is Out!

CALL FOR PAPERS Navigating the Past: Sailing into the Future 13th New England Regional Genealogical Conference 15-19 April 2015, Providence, Rhode Island   The New England Regional Genealogical Conference (NERGC) 2015 Call for Papers is Out! Any interested speakers should read the call (pdf file) carefully and submit their proposals by 1 March 2014.


Soon after the conference we invited NERGC 2013 attendees to participate in a survey to provide us feedback about the event. Over 400 of those attending have already shared valuable feedback with us. If you attended the conference and are one of those 400, thank you very much for sharing your feedback. For those who have not yet filled out the survey and would like to, TIME IS RUNNING OUT. The survey will close for analysis and reports as of 11:59 Eastern Time on Monday, May 20th. To participate in the survey before closure on May 20th, please go to for a link to the online survey.

Conference Floor Plans and Daily Programs

You can start getting familiar with the NERGC conference setting at the Manchester, New Hampshire Radisson with these floor plans as well as daily one page program sheets. These should help you plan the talks you want to go to and map out where the rooms are located. Hotel Floorplans   Thursday Schedule 2013   Friday Schedule 2013   Saturday Schedule 2013

Exhibitor Door Prizes at NERGC!

The Exhibitors will be giving out door prizes on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20.  You will receive raffle tickets in your registration packet. Start planning now how you will strategically place your tickets! 2 0 13 Exh i bi t H a l l D o or P r iz es Fr i da y , A pr il 19, 2013 Ven do r B ooth # D oo r Prize It e m s as o f 13 A pril 2013 A me ri ca n - C a n a d i an Ge n ea l og i cal S o c i ety 105, 107, 109 a 1 y ear mem b e r s h i p to A me ri ca n - C a n a d i an Ge n ea l og i cal S o c i ety B ri gh ts o li d ( F i nd m y p ast . c o m) 203, 205 on e 6 m on th w o rl d s ub sc ri p t i o n to F i nd m y p ast . c o m M a i a's Boo ks 506, 407, 508, 409 $10 . 00 o ff a n y pu r c h ase, m u st b e u sed du ri n g t h e c ...