The Conference Hotel Room block at the Radisson Downtown for $136/night is currently sold out. Keep checking as the Conference date approaches; rooms may become available from time-to-time because of cancellations. Contact: 700 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101 - (603) 625-1000 and mention NERGC.
NERGC has arranged for a room block at the Hilton Garden Inn, a half mile south of the Radisson for $135/night at 101 S Commercial St, Manchester, NH 03101, Individuals should call hotel directly to reserve rooms,(603) 669-2222. Mention your affiliation to NERGC to get this rate. There will be shuttle service to and from the Radisson early morning and late afternoon. Watch for forthcoming information on scheduling shuttles at other times.
Oh the places you'll go Now that you know Some new paths to explore And you've learned lots more To help you search your roots So be on your way And with no further delay We bid you farewell Please remember to tell Everyone about NERGC 2013 Manchester See you April 17-21, 2013 for the Twelfth New England Regional Genealogical Conference! Your NERGC Hospitality team
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